Which is right and left
Which is right and left

which is right and left

The AfD supports law-and-order positions familiar from the US straight across the board. Surveillance is another issue that splits German parties along unfamiliar lines Security and personal liberty On the one hand, the party supports traditional right-wing policies like hostility to state subsidies, upper limits on income taxes, and balanced budgets, but they also oppose privatization of government properties and would introduce independent tests of products to hinder companies from engineering obsolescence. The AfD's economic policies are a mixed bag. On the whole, even conservative German tax policies would be considered left-wing in the US, where distrust of government spending runs high. Generally speaking, the CDU-CSU and the FDP are for low taxes and fiscal austerity and against government regulations on business, while the SPD, the Greens, and the Left party favor a government that actively seeks to redistribute wealth. This is one area where the traditional understanding of right and left still largely seem to apply. What fit in less well with traditional categories was the fact that the AfD, the Left party, and the Greens opposed them, as did Trump, albeit for wildly varying reasons.

which is right and left

The business-friendly CDU-CSU and FDP came out in favor of international trade agreements like TTIP and CETA. Left party leaders have cast Brexit as the result of social inequities within the EU and have argued for drastic revisions to the EU treaty. While the conservatives, the SPD, the Greens, and the FDP are firm supporters of the European bloc, the AfD openly flirts with the idea of Germany leaving both the EU and the euro, and the Left party's attitude is ambivalent. The split on policy toward the EU runs not between right and left but between the center and the extremes. The German political parties' divisions over NATO are disappearing The European Union and trade agreements

Which is right and left